
The Day I Almost Died: How a Broken Leash Saved My Life after I Surrendered

Interview by
Dr. Chad Prevost
Dr. Shelley Prevost
Published on
May 10, 2024

In this episode

Chad recounts his terrifying experience during a whitewater rafting trip.

What is the difference between giving up and surrendering when it comes to how we live our (extra)ordinary lives?

Tune in and find out. You'll be glad that Chad lived and what you can takeaway from his harrowing experience.

High Notes:

The concept of surrender and letting go.
Surrender and giving up, with personal stories of loss and grief.
Drowning experience, thoughts of mortality, and a miraculous escape.
Near-death experience and surrendering to fate.
Facing and overcoming fears through mindfulness and self-reflection.

Find out more about Big Self School:

Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow.

Download our free book, What Do You Expect? Discovering Methods for Deep Calm.

Learn more about the May 11, 2024 event: Men's Mental Health Matters

Brandon Clift from The ManKind Project and Men Who Chatt - Community For Chattanooga Men, Sydney Guerrette from Be The Change Youth Initiative and @James Woods from Dads Making a Difference - A First Things First Program.

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Our Discussion

Guest Speakers

Chad Prevost